If you have the following symptoms then contact our clinic by email or phone before visiting.

  • Fever (a temperature of 38 degrees Celsius or higher)
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Loss or change to sense of smell or taste

Email at aylesburyclinic@gmail.com or call 01 452 1907 as this will help to protect other people visiting the surgery.

What everybody needs to do:

Wearing a face covering inside the GP surgery protects other people visiting our clinic.
Wash your hands as often as possible to avoid contamination and spreading the virus.
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing and sneezing and bin the tissue.
The risk of contagion lessens when you keep two metres apart where possible.
Always ensure that you avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
Always ensure that you clean and disenfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

Stay safe - protect each other and for additional information check out hse.ie

Aylesbury Clinic

Unit 4, Aylesbury Shopping Centre,
Church Grove,
Dublin 24

Eircode: D24 PTK3
View Map

Call: 01 452 1907 (office hours)
Call: 01 453 9333 (emergencies)
Fax: 01 452 4407
E-mail: info@aylesburyclinic.ie


Bus Routes & Directions

Bus routes (49, 65B, 75, 54A) service the local area and the Luas stops in Tallaght village which is an approx. 10-15 min walk away from the clinic.



From Tallaght village, head southwest on N81 and after 0.8 Km, turn left onto Whitestown Way. At the roundabout, take the 1st exit and continue onto Bóthar Theach Na Giúise Thiar. After 0.1 Km, turn right onto Heatherview Rd and we are on the left.